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The place : Infinitea, India's first tea bar and the first in a chain to open around the country.
Infinitea's mission is clear: To educate people on the rich culture associated with the `tea drinking' ritual. And the message is equally transparent: With about 50 recipes on its menu card, Infinitea is definitely not the place to head to when you are in a mood for a `quick-fix chai'. Instead, it's better to lounge in the bar, drink in its atmosphere (done up in true Darjeeling style) and decide on what to sip first. This is when it strikes you that India's first tea bar is strikingly different from the noisy coffee pubs that the city is used to. Refer...
This small Banglaore metbloggers authors/readers meet over tea and snadwitches was nice and interactive, I had an invite to participate in Metroblog from Ravi, and was gald to be there.. Refer Anita's Post...
The folks present :- Usha- Ravi - Prabhu- Anita - Thejesh- Me & Priti - Divesh (surprisingly we work in the same office, same building but on diff floors...!)
Good to have met you both. Also glad we share similar feelings about Kodak's and lugging them around for photo-ops! Cheers!
Thanks Ravi, looking forward metrobloggin!!
keeps me going!!
Looks great ! . I should visit this tea bar during my next visit to Bangalore.
Missed this chance of meeting you Rajesh. Was out of town. Next time, whenever!
Hi Rajesh.. checked out this wonderful photo-blog and really liked it.. To top it all, a delightful surprise call by you :-) Let me know if u get any problems with beta blogger ( yesterday there was some problem with the pic upgrade tool due to scheduled upgrade downtime.. With pleasure, my blogroll has a link to you now :-)
Hi Divesh,
Thanks for your motivation and help..
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