Applied DNA, the sculpture of "DNA & BIOTECHNOLOGY"

This sculpture of DNA aptly called ‘Applied DNA’ donated by Biocon to commemorate Biocon’s 25th anniversary & 50th year of discovery of DNA. The hereditary building blocks of life and evolution is called ‘genes’. They carry secrets of life, the ‘code’ that is passed on by parents to the off spring’s that give each of us our distinctive trails.. this sculpture captures beauty of the double helical on the wheels representing ‘industry’ hence portray the ‘Industrial biotechnology’. It is Located near bible society of india on M.G. Road, Bangalore.

Creation of talented Yusuf Arakkal, Yusuf's oeuvre includes drawings, paintings, sculptures, murals, paper works, prints and writing. While painting, he loves to play with browns, ochre's and black. His method of painting, especially oils, needs total involvement and has to be completed more or less in one go. It needs a surety of touch and a deft handling. Thin layers of colors are quickly overlaid and worked upon. Refer…
cool shot. Interesting balance.
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