Corn Upma..

Amazing Maize, and it's usage in various parts of the world... here is on indian variety to consume Maize / Corn... prepare as an varient of traditional upma made with rice...
Sweetcorn is a genetic variation that is high in sugars and low in starch that is served like a vegetable. Popcorn is kernels of certain varieties that explode when heated, forming fluffy pieces that are eaten as a snack.
Maize is widely cultivated throughout the world, and a greater weight of maize is produced each year than any other grain. While the United States produces almost half of the world's harvest, other top producing countries are as widespread as China, Brazil, France, Indonesia, and South Africa. Worldwide production was over 600 million metric tons in 2003 – just slightly more than rice or wheat. In 2004, close to 33 million hectares of maize were planted worldwide, with a production value of more than $23 billion. Refer...

looks yummy and thanks for the interesting info...
Funny I keep visiting on a food day! This looks delicious.
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