Filter coffee…
Coffee is brewed with a metal device that resembles two cylindrical cups, one of which has a pierced bottom that nests into the top, leaving ample room underneath to receive the brewed coffee also called as decoction. The coffee is served along with sweetened milk in a typical Davarah (or dabarah) and tumbler, (kept in the tray to the right) a conical steel tumbler and Davarah is a wide metal saucer with lipped walls. Coffee is typically served after pouring back and forth between the dabarah and the tumbler in huge arc-like motions of the hand. This serves several purposes: mixing the ingredients (including sugar) thoroughly; cooling the hot coffee down to a sipping temperature… More …
Coffee time! I'm in!
Nothing to beat the taste of the traditional filter "kaapi" that you get on every nook and corner in Bangalore. Here in the US for 10 years, I am still trying to find the coffee which comes close to this.
Fascinating. I'll bet that coffee is very strong, too, right?
Jacob, it depends on the portion of decoction you use wrt milk, more the decoction stronger the favour.
Okay, that makes sense. Thanks. Perhaps some day I'll get a chance to try it!
I am from Bangalore too and I really liked your detailed description of how coffee is made. I just started a page on facebook to try and get people from around the world to describe how they traditionally prepare coffee! Would you mind if I posted the link your blog on that page?
@Shreya, BDP is under creative commons thus pls feel free to use any content from BDP with proper credit to BDP and link backs. Thx
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