Auto Repairs @ Roadside
In less than 10 years, India has doubled its number of highways, from 34,298km in 1996-97 to 65,659km by 2005. This gives rise to army of roadside garages and repair mechanics and gives them employment. The parts that frequently breakdown helps the auto spare parts business to Flourish.
It is a common sight on any highway or the major road to see people opting for quick fix on the car problems, perhaps auto service industry will take some time to get fully organized and be reachble at every road and highway....
It is a common sight on any highway or the major road to see people opting for quick fix on the car problems, perhaps auto service industry will take some time to get fully organized and be reachble at every road and highway....

Something to think about. Why no one has come up with AAA type of organization in India?
there is one but the unorganised sector is so large that and accesible it still overpasses AAA.
Nice pictures of the Art gallery. Wish Bengalooru made some efforts to attract tourists and co-ordinate with hotels to celebrate: Bengalooru Habba, Suvarna Karnataka, Art collections etc. Also lacking are souvenir stores, where we could buy India/Karnataka/B'lore themed T-Shirts, miniature flags, post cards etc.
BTW, I have noticed you spell 'Cubban Park'. It should be 'Cubbon Park', named after Sir Mark Cubbon.
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