Karnataka is a progressive state in the field of modern horticulture in the country. The diverse agro-ecological conditions prevailing in Karnataka has made it possible to grow different types of horticultural crops such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, plantation crops, root and tuber crops, medicinal and aromatic crops etc.
Karnataka is the 3rd largest producer of fruits and stands 5th position in area and production of vegetable crops. The Department of Horticulture acts as the facilitator for creation of infrastructure facilities for marketing of fruits and vegetables in the state.
The Department of Agricultural Marketing is also handles the notified Fruits and Vegetables in the state through APMC’S. The Department promoted HOPCOMS – a Co-operative society for marketing of horticultural produce in Bangalore which handles a quantity of 100 Metric tones of fruits and vegetables per day. More >>
HOPCOMS was created to benefit both the producer and the consumer,but it is not helping the consumers.The prices are higher than the prices of vegetables in the markets.Why dont the officers go and check the markets.This way your HOPCOMS will get closed soon. Please save it.
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