Ice creams @the door

Eating ice cream really does make you happy. Scientists have found that a spoonful of the cold stuff lights up the same pleasure centre in the brain as winning money or listening to your favourite music. Refer...

Bangalore Daily Photo (BDP) is a voyage since March 2006 to witness what’s a common mans sight of this beautiful city everyday! A sneak peak onto “The living in Bangalore… “
Labels: Bangalore
interesting info about the effect of ice cream, but why isnt ice cream sold year round in other Indian cities?
I like your pictures! Very nice. I have long wanted to go to Bangalore. Now that I've got a glimpse of it I'm even more eager. That's good to know about ice cream as well, since I am an addict, as I have written on my blog.
That's a nice candid shot and a good angle as well. The ice cream trike is interesting; we don't have such things in Australia. We have an ice cream man who drives around suburbia in a pink van with amplified music playing 'greensleeves'.
thanks..keeps me going!
your pictures are all close life. very love them.
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