Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Yellu-Bella & Sugarcanes…

Celebrating maker Sankranti with offering fresh sugarcane to sun god, The day on which the sun begins its journey northwards is referred to as Makara Sankranti. Sankramana means "to commence movement" and hence the name Makara Sankranti given to one of the largest, most auspicious, but varied festivals in the Indian subcontinent.
Markets see fresh sugarcane being sold to help devotees make an offering. In Karnataka it is called 'Yellu-Bella'. Yellu means 'til' or Sesame seeds and 'Bella' is Jaggery. A mixture of sesame seeds, jaggery, coconut and groundnuts are distributed to relatives and friends to help forget their quarrels and resolve to speak sweetly to one another.


Pat Wed Jan 16, 12:11:00 PM GMT+5:30  

How interesting! I've never seen sugarcane.

Guelph Daily Photo, Pat's Photo-a-Day